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About Us


This web site is the property of and authored by Kid Dutch™ , jazz & blues man, brass player, vocalist, composer, jazz historian, instrument collector, raconteur, and swell guy. Blame him for any  opinions expressed here.


Besides having bands available for public and private performances, Kid Dutch is a public speaker and can provide entertaining and informative talks on a number of subjects including, but not limited to:



Mutes are one of Dutch’s many passions. He is non-recovering mute-addict, with an extensive collection of musical instruments and mutes and an uncontrollable urge to use them whenever tastefully possible.


He hopes you find this site as interesting as it has been for him to put it together.  And he hopes you find it as pleasurable an experience as he has had meeting the many people who helped along the way sharing their knowledge , interests, mutes, and most importantly, their friendship.